Dog events,give dog agility events a go or
Conformation Events these can be lots of fun.

From dog agility events to dog field trials, some owners and their dogs really enjoy this competitive world and will spend many hours training to prepare for these events.

To take part in all sports your dachshund needs to be fit and you need to spend time training using positive training methods to get good results and a wonderful bond of trust develops between dog and handler. Always the focus needs to be on having an enjoyable time for all.

Earth Dog Trials - a popular sport that is well suited to the dachshund is earth dog trials, in these trials the dogs are given a set time to enter tunnels and find a live caged bait mice/rat. They must follow the scent and on finding the bait, bark, scratching to get attention. There are different sections to enter depending on your dog's experience. The AKC sponsor some events.

Dog Obedience Trials - in these trials points are scored on completing a set of exercises that test the dogs ability to perform. There are classes suitable to your dog’s experience. This is real team work between dog and handler and concentration is required, but success is a good reward. Many owners and dogs really enjoy the fun and competitive spirit.

Dog Agility Events - in these competitions your dog must show obedience and confidence in going through a course with obstacles, tunnels, walk planks, weaving, under and over, loads of fun for dog and handler.

Handler gives his dog directions with his voice and hand and body cues. Points are scored for speed and accuracy. Before taking up dog agility events have your vet check that your dog is sound enough for this activity.

Dog Field Trials - these trials are to test the tracking hunting ability of the dachshund above ground. In dachshund field trials, two dogs work together this is a brace. A brace mate cannot be from the same owner.

Judges are looking for searching and pursuing ability,obedience to commands, accurate tracking, steady barking while on a scent, endurance,courage, patience, independence etc. More information on field trials can be found in AKC Rules and Regulations for Dachshund Field Trials.

Dachshund Races - some owners compete with their dachshunds in races, these races are very popular and run in Texas, California, Ohio and other areas.

However the Dachshund Club of America is not happy with this type of sport as they think it is not suitable for the physical build of the dachshund and oppose the use of greyhound tracks to hold races.

Dog shows - Conformation Events - at these shows dogs are judged against their breed standard e.i. size, colour, build, structure, proportions, movement and temperament.

This goes a long way to help preserve the best characteristics of the breed. Owners spend hours in preparing their dog for these events grooming etc also training to show their dogs to their best advantage.

With the Dachshund dogs, intelligence and willing to please his owner, this breed can do well in Earth Dog Trials and Dog Agility Events.

To find out more about any of these events in the United States, contact the American Kennel Club (AKC), they are involved or organize the calendar for many of the events from local club level to national level.

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