Helpful tips to find quality dog hotels.

Dog hotels or resorts are one option to use when it is not possible for you to take your dog away with you...

... to have peace of mind and your dog to be happy and well cared for you need to check carefully the facilities and service given, a recommendation is always helpful.

If you are only going away for a short time you may be able to use perhaps a neighbor, professional pet sitter or dog daycare.

They come in through the day and check on your dachshund, take him out of walks, toilet and feed him but this may no be enough company it will depend on your particular dog.

Suggested list for checking on a  dog resort or hotels

  • Is the facility clean and well maintained, do your have a good feeling when you enter.
  • Is there sufficient light, ventilation and heat in the building.
  • Do the management and staff show a genuine interest in the dogs comfort and well being.
  • And is there a staff member on duty at all times.
  • Are there individual sleeping areas that are warm and comfortable can you bring your dogs own bed.
  • Check on food storage and preparation area, and can you bring your own food, if not what food is served and when.
  • How often are the dogs exercised and what form does this take and for how long.
  • What facilities are available for outside play and is it individual or in groups and is any of the staff actively involved with the dogs.
  • Some newer facilities have cameras that records your dachshunds activities and you can access through the internet while you are away, to see first hand how your dachshund is settling in.
  • Your dog’s vaccinations will need to be current and you will need your certificate as proof.

Doggy day care’s also provide an excellent service if you are lucky enough to have one in your area. Make similar inquiries as you would for dog hotels. Check the age requirement for puppies which is usually a minimum of six months old.

Doggy day care is very handy, for dog parents who are working, if you are having your house renovated or perhaps just want to socialize your dachshund with other dogs.

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Dog daycare

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